Saturday, May 3, 2008

Note to Self

With coaching a tee ball team, selling our existing home, buying a new home, and having young children, you're bound to learn something new each day.


1. Coach certain male child on tee ball team NOT to pick dandelions and smear them on his teammates' faces and annoy the holy heck out of them while playing in the outfield.

2. Front-load washers and dryers (for our new house) cost a ginormous amount of money.

3. Husands and wives get irritated with one another after about the sixth appliance store (although we did finally decide the pair that we wanted).

4. Forty milligrams of Medrol per day is enough to elicit a two-hour screaming fit in our adorable, severely asthmatic son, who didn't like the color of Gatorade he had chosen moments earlier in the gas station.

5. Do not take it personally when aforementioned, adorable, severely asthmatic son, hopped up on rediculously high amounts of Medrol, tells you repeatedly that he hates you when you refuse to let him eat a dozen chocolate-chip M&M cookies.

6. Coach children on tee ball team that tee ball isn't (and never has been) a contact sport. There is no need for 14 players to dive for the ball and scratch each other's eyeballs out for it.

7. It is not abnormal to worry yourself into a tizzy regarding the fact that your 14 year-old son is going to prom tonight with his 16 year-old girlfriend. Afterall, you were his age once and went to the prom, too. DOH!

8. It is peculiar to go to Menards and only end up buying two Magic Treehouse books, a CARS book, a bag of gummy peach rings, and a box of Runts.

9. It is not necessary to have a coronary after realizing that there is no linen closet in the new house (but where will the towels go?).

10. How in the H-E-double-hockey-sticks did we collect so much crap in the past nine years of living in our current home? For the love of mankind - stop being a pack-rat!

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